

Labelled in July 2005, the worldwide competitiveness cluster MINALOGIC animates and structures, in Rhône-Alpes area, a major innovation and expertise space in intelligent miniaturized solutions for industry.


MINATEC, European center of excellence specializing in micro and nanotechnology, is focused on the infinitely small. MINATEC houses over 4,000 research, industrial and academics peoples working together in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

MINATEC provides several facilities including the 300 mm silicon technology platform, the 200mm microelectronics platform, the 200 mm MEMS platform, the nano-characterization platform and the Design platform.


MONTAVON Company is one of the worldwide leaders in sapphire pieces manufacturing including for watch industry. With its know how in machining, polishing and surface treatment of sapphire, MONTAVON Company can deliver any type of piece of sapphire.

MONTAVON brings to ARNANO its expertise to the achievement of decorative pieces and anti-reflective coating.

Pleiades Technologies

Pleiades Technologies is an engineering company specializing in the optical instrumentation. Addressing the needs of the markets and big companies, multidisciplinary teams are developing instruments and systems for optical instrumentation. Pleiades Technologies is installed in Sassenage and is active in France and world wide (export of radiometric characterization system). The multidisciplinary expertise (optical, mechanical, electronic and software) allow to address a broad range of markets as military and aerospace, microelectronics, biotechnology and automotive industries in R & D outsourcing.

Pleiades Technologies collaborates to the NANOVIEWER development.

Entreprendre® Network

Entreprendre® Network’s missions are to support the creators and buyers of SMEs and thus “creating employer “. So the network pays attention to the “high potential projects” with the capacity to reach the size of a SMEs.