LETI is a CEA laboratory located in Grenoble. It is one of the major research centers in electronics applications. Over 85% of its activities are dedicated to applied research in partnership with industrial companies. Over 1600 people are dedicated to innovation and technology transfer in key areas of micro and nano technologies. The LETI research work is mainly industrial oriented. LETI has led to the creation of more than thirty technological start-up such as SOITEC a world leader in achieving SOI wafers or TRONICS a Microsystems manufacturer. The main research themes of the LETI are:
- Micro and Nanotechnology
- Microsystems and heterogeneous integration
- Smart sensors
- Image chain
- Systems for biology and health
LETI files over 170 patents per year and applies a dynamic strategy for the valorisation of its patent portfolio (monitoring and business intelligence, creation, extension, abandonment).
LETI has granted an exclusive license to ARNANO and continue to realize research and development work for ARNANO.